Entries by Marc Fattore

Buyer Agent Benefits

With the property market at an all time high, showing very minimal signs of cooling down anytime soon, we as Gen-Y need to look at alternatives to get ourselves securely into the market. We need to utilise the experts in the property industry to leverage us further ahead – at a small added cost on […]

Beyond The ‘Big Five’

With recent statistics showing a fantastic growth increase across Newcastle apartments within the past 12 months, 21.3% to be exact – it is no wonder people are diversifying their portfolios and adding more ‘regional’ locations as opposed to the ‘Big Five’ capitals cities, Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Adelaide. The Regional Australia Institute’s latest information […]

NSW Government: Revitalise Newcastle

In the most recent six to twelve months, there has been hot media speculation on what is going to happen with the Sydney property market – some industry experts saying the ‘boom’ is finished and others saying it will still be quite some time until we see some noticeable cooling periods across the board. Meanwhile, […]

Fat Debt vs. Muscle Debt

Debt can be looked at as a negative when managing your finances. However, debt is the way many successful investors build their wealth. Everybody uses debt to pay for just about everything from large purchases such as property and cars, to smaller purchases like petrol and food. The definition of debt in the dictionary is […]