Getting Focused for 2018!

It’s that time of year again!

Christmas first and all the busy days and long nights that come with it. Then there is New Years Eve. And there you have it. Another year closed out, and under the belt. Many are not too dissimilar when it comes to goal setting for the new year that lies ahead, but I personally need this.

As you acquire more responsibility and control over your career or your business, the task of defining your priorities falls on your shoulders.

I am a firm believer that, failing to plan is in fact planning to fail! Too many people jump straight into a fresh piece of paper, with “NEW YEAR GOALS” and then they go about writing down their ambitious, cherry-picked, nice to have objectives ready to hit the ground running. How many times have we done this? Better still, how many times have we looked back on our cherry-picked list 12 months later and reviewed the year that has just passed?

It is critical to do a year in review of your own goals that you set out to achieve, and speak to them directly. Did you achieve them all? Which ones were ticked off, which ones weren’t, and are you content with your results this year?

You can never really commence a fresh year without first reviewing your previous list that has helped to shape and define you for an entire 12 months.

Now that you have reviewed your 2017 goals, lets make a clear plan for 2018. Here are some important reasons why you should ALWAYS stick to a plan to help you get where you want / need to be next year:

– Keeps you FOCUSED

– Provides you with DIRECTION

– Gives you greater control over your FUTURE

– Ultimate MOTIVATOR

– Helps you to manage your TIME effectively

– Gives your life meaning, and above all PURPOSE

Here are my top tips on creating a 2018 plan, which will help keep you motivated for the year that lies ahead:


Create a poster board for your home office, or for somewhere private that you can always refer back to. You may be a visual person, which means you could use images that inspire you, quotes that resonate with you, and even old photos that may remind you of your overall purpose

Set S.M.A.R.T Goals

Specific. Measurable. Attainable. Relevant. Time Bound.

If your new year goal is big and fancy, and even with all of your great intentions, may be out of reach, then the chances of you actually achieving this without a plan are very minor. Break these bigger goals down into smaller goals, and give yourself STRICT deadlines and small ways to measure or reward success.

Make a PLAN, but remain FLEXIBLE

A goal without an actual plan is just a dream. Plan ahead, and write it all down. If things come up that are outside of your control, then you must give yourself the ability to be flexible with your goals, and adjust where necessary. This will ensure you are not setting yourself up for failure.

LEARN from your Mistakes

Nobody knows you, better than you. 2018 is guaranteed to bring pain for some, failure for others, and adversity for a few. Learn from these shortcomings, put things into perspective, and pick up and keep going.

Don’t be a PASSIVE player

Nothing will ever work unless you do. Taking action is the ONLY way to keep moving forward and to make progress. If things aren’t going your way at times, just keep going. If you are truly willing to put in the work, then eventually you will reap the rewards. Be prepared to go the distance and outwork yourself all year.


Constantly connect your day to day actions with a bigger future. Commit to personal development on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. Read books. Study something to upskill yourself for your future. Exercise daily to release endorphins. Be inspired by the movers and shakers of the world.

Happy Holidays and best wishes for a CRACKER 2018!